As part of my journey into the realm of writing, I has the opportunity to present my novels at book fairs, libraries and other organizations such as fraternal and business groups. As I fielded more questions about my books and how I wrote them, it occurred to me that others might benefit from my experience, trials and tribulations along the way
One question I got asked frequently was, “How do you do it?” Sometimes, the question was from an aspiring author who was struggling with the process. Other times, people wanted to know how I found the time, while still working full time, to write poetry, fiction and full length books.
The short answer to both questions is to be organized and disciplined. The real answer takes a lot longer to explain, for those willing and interested in hearing about it. As a result, I decided to put together two PowerPoint presentations, one on writing my books, the other on basic time management, which applies to most areas of our busy lives.
If you or your club/organization would be interested in having me present either of these two timely seminars, just contact me via e-mail ([email protected]) or look me up on Phoenix Free Speakers dot org.